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Are Superfoods Really Super?

By JIFU Success, Personal Development, Uncategorized No Comments

Superfoods: trendy, healthy, and beautiful to look at. But do they live up to the hype? What’s the big deal about some fruits and veggies? Superfoods are potent sources of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and other nutrients. Because of this, foods that fall under this category are, indeed, super! 

What are Superfoods?

Many berries and dark leafy greens are thought to be superfoods: high in nutrients and low in calories. They are often called superfoods because they pack a mighty punch when it comes to delivering the nutrition that your body needs to operate at a high level. Some of the most popular superfoods include dark leafy greens (kale and spinach), and all your favorite berries. Other fan favorites include garlic, wheatgrass, beets and beet juice, turmeric, Brazil nuts, and barley. 

Dark Leafy Greens



Green Tea/Herbs

Best Benefits

As mentioned before, superfoods have a high nutrient density. These foods are often rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K and many B vitamins. Additionally, dark leafy greens like spinach and kale are high in fiber and water content. These components promote a healthy and regular digestive tract.

Consuming foods that are high in antioxidants helps fight free radicals that can damage tissues in your body. It can be hard to take in all the nutrients your body needs in an everyday diet, but superfoods can help you get there. 

Healthy Diet

Shy away from processed foods and foods that void of color. Try your best to include as many colors into your diet, and the chances are that at least one of them will end up being a superfood! Incorporating superfoods into your everyday diet will increase the sustainability of your health. 

Sprinkle shredded leafy greens in soups or throw some blueberries into your breakfast to start the day in a healthy way. There are endless ways to incorporate superfoods into the diet that you already have!

If you are having a hard time buying fresh fruits and vegetables, we have a simple and easy way to consume 23 superfoods in one single swig! JUS is for sale on for an exclusively low price. JUS is the most powerful complex formulation of natural ingredients designed to provide full-spectrum, antioxidant protection. With 23 colorful superfoods, fruits, and herbs, you know you are getting the best antioxidant supplement that also tastes delicious. Check it out at

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Most People Are Addicted to THIS and Don’t Even Know it

By JIFU Success, Personal Development No Comments

One addictive substance plagues nearly all of humanity. It is something that is consumed on a daily basis, and most of the time people do not even know they’re doing it. It’s not illegal, controversial, or even uncommon. What is it?


The substance is sugar, and it is in most food that Americans consume every day. The World Health Organization recommends that the average person limit their sugar consumption to no more than six teaspoons or 25 grams of sugar per day for women and nine teaspoons per day for men. Despite this, the average American consumes 17 teaspoons of sugar every day, far exceeding the suggested portion. 

It is difficult to cut out sugar because it is snuck into food products that aren’t necessarily sweet. For example, things like bread, tomato sauce, crackers, and energy bars generally have quite a bit of sugar. UCSF estimates that a leading brand of yogurt has 7 teaspoons of sugar in one single serving! Additionally, sugar is extremely addictive. Consumers become addicted to sugar without even realizing what is happening. 

The accidental overconsumption of sugar is a major contributing factor to many people’s unexplainable weight gain. There are several things that you can do to reduce your sugar intake. 

  1. Be more aware of the ingredients in the food that makes up your diet. 

  2. Exercise more often

  3. Say YES to a little help

RealW8* is a supplement that helps users control their sugar cravings because everyone could use a little help in defeating this all-too-common addiction. With its three proprietary ingredients, RealW8 stops that little urge to have just one more right in its tracks. 

Even better, you can buy it exclusively on for a newly discounted price! 


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*only available in the United States, no guarantees

2021 New Year’s Resolutions

By Personal Development No Comments

“What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year.” -Vern Mclellan

The end of a year signifies a conclusion to 12 months of goal-setting, achievements, and life lived. Here at JIFU, we encourage our members and affiliates to take an inventory of the past 365 days. What went well? What could be improved on? These are two good questions to ask in regards to the past. However, the end of 2020 brings the inevitable arrival of 2021, which in itself offers another chance to improve ourselves and our businesses. The start of a new calendar year can be the ideal time to begin to implement new strategies that will help you conquer your goals. Be sure to read our previous journal post which offers a few tips on how to implement self reflection into your end-of-the-year routine. 2020 is the perfect example of how sometimes things do not go the way we thought they would. Being able to be flexible and easily pivot to meet new challenges and circumstances is essential in any new year resolution.

As a company, JIFU has been able to use the challenges brought our way as fuel for inspiration. Out of necessity comes innovation, and this year we took that phrase to heart. Previously only known for our travel discount services, JIFU has expanded to include three other massive business trends: cryptocurrency, ecommerce, and self development. Moving into the new year, JIFU is wishing you the best of luck in all your endeavors. Take with you the blessings and lessons from 2020, but venture into 2021 with a fresh mindset, ready to take on the new year. Leave a comment below letting us know what your new year’s resolutions are and what your plan is to achieve them. Happy 2021!

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Visualize Your Success

By JIFU Success, Personal Development No Comments

Believing in your own success is the most important, but often overlooked, part of actually achieving your goals. Visualization is the very beginning of creation. Whatever it is that you want to create in your life, the wholehearted belief that you will make it happen is a valuable tool in your pursuit of success.These are some of the most helpful tips to help you get on your way to mastering the skill of visualization from Wired For Greatness

“Visualization naturally has to do with the mind and requires the use of both imagination and cognitive processes working together in unison.”

Wired for Greatness

Flex your creativity by using your imagination to create images that encapsulate the best version of your future. Ensure that these images aren’t static and that you incorporate a shifting perspective into your visualization. 

While creativity is an integral part of this process, you must not forget to use the logical part of your mind. Picture that you are actually experiencing the environment in the future that you so desperately desire. This includes everything from sight to smell and feel. This may seem silly, but realize that these small details are what memories are made up of, so it makes sense to add them into your visualization practice. 

With visualization, you are working to make your future a reality. The more you can visualize the future you desire, the more likely you are to create this future for yourself and others around you. 

Listed below are the steps to creating a visualization success story. Download the JIFU2.0 app for more details on how to perfect each step in the process. 


Setting the Stage

Picture the Goal

How are you Feeling?

Add in Faith

Now Step Back

Visualization is a sort of meditative thought practice that sets an intention. It also comes with several positive side effects, one being that you can experience less stress. Just having a clear vision and steps to take will erase much of the worry out of your life. You become more open to changes and different opportunities. 

Additionally, you will be able to focus better because you have a set list of intentional goals to direct your energy towards. In this way, you will become more confident in your everyday life. Feeling inspired to work towards a goal will give your days more meaning and intention. Instead of haphazardly blundering through life, you will have a particular future that each of your actions are meant to make happen. 

These are only a few small steps that can help you get to where you want to be in life, whether that be a personal or professional goal. Visualization is a valuable tool in any aspiring entrepreneur’s toolbelt. Envision your success and make it happen!  

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Self Reflection Tips

By JIFUlife, Personal Development No Comments

As we near the end of 2020, it’s important to look back and consider the past year’s accomplishments. A massive part of that is integrating self reflection into your end-of-the-year rituals. At the beginning of any year, JIFU urges our members and affiliates to visualize their success and the fruition of their goal accomplishments throughout the coming months, and this year was no exception.

Wired for Greatness is a handbook written by JIFU’s co-founder Jeffery Boyle, in which he offers advice on how to live a more epic life. Module four is dedicated to manifesting your ultimate desires with visualization, and we refer back to this text often. Self reflection is all about taking account of the results of your actions. Whether in business or personal life, taking the time to reflect is not only healthy, but can aid you in changing the way you approach new opportunities. Here are some valuable questions that can assist in any self reflection practice. 

What Were My Goals?

Think back to previous goals you have set for yourself. Were you able to achieve them to your own standard? Consider every goal, even ones that you no longer wish to work towards. Failed projects, pivoted plans, and otherwise unsuccessful endeavors are also an important part of self reflections. 

What Changed? 

Even the most perfectly laid plans go awry, and you can glean valuable lessons from what went wrong. Ask yourself what change occurred that may have affected your actions and execution. That way, you will be more prepared when the same curve ball is thrown at you and your team. 

What is Outside of my Control?

Oftentimes, factors outside of your control force a change of direction. The only thing you can do when this happens is ensure that your reactions appropriately shift. This is true in business and in everyday personal life, and you can learn a lot from your reaction to outside influences.

What Could I Have Controlled?

On the other hand, we have more control over situations than we realize. Ask yourself what steps you took to achieve a goal so that you can replicate the process in the future. Similarly, thinking back to times when things didn’t go as planned can offer valuable insight into what to avoid in the future. 

These are only a few questions that can help you get started with your end of the year self reflection. Let us know other questions and actions you can take to successfully wrap up your 2020 and move forward into a more successful new year.

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Personal Branding in Affiliate Marketing

By JIFU Success, JIFUlife, Personal Development No Comments

As network marketers, we strive every day to share quality products and services that offer outstanding value to our customers and members. JIFU affiliates are the lifeblood of our company, and a massive part of what makes our business model so special.

The individuals who we work with know how to not only market JIFU’s services, but are skilled in marketing themselves. There are five basic reasons why it is vastly important to build a successful personal brand in network marketing. These are helpful tips for someone who is just getting into affiliate marketing and they are great reminders for seasoned veterans. 


When you establish yourself using your social media platforms, a website, or in person, you are able simultaneously establish yourself as reliable, trustworthy, and knowledgeable about the company you are representing.

Part of this is making sure you know answers to potential questions that clients or buyers may have, as well as having a good understanding of the company you are partnering with. It is also important to have a good rapport with corporate management, so as to become more aware of the company culture. 

2. Uniqueness

While it is important to represent the partner company accurately and correctly, it is as equally as important to add in your own unique marketing flavor. You are probably not the only affiliate that is trying to sell the products and services, so making yourself stand out is imperative. 

Oftentimes, loyal customers come back time and time again not only because of the products, but because of the connection they feel with the salesman/affiliate. Being able to achieve a perfect balance between the company’s brand and your own personal brand is where you will find immense success. For example, JIFU offers brand assets for our affiliate partners to use on their social medias, but it is up to the affiliates themselves to use those tools in a way that will make them stand out from the masses. 

3. Become a Leader 

As an affiliate marketer, you understand the value of selling products, but it is valuable to “sell” yourself as well. Build your personal brand on the foundation of leadership and knowledge, and you will establish an environment where buyers and members feel comfortable asking you questions. This will lead to a more committed customer base. 

Some things to consider when you are building your personal brand include consistency, professionalism, and coordination. These things will help you construct your online presence in a manner that sets you apart from less dedicated and experienced affiliates. 

4. Know your Audience 

Be aware that your personal brand attributes to who your audience is, so it is important that you are consciously working towards a specific audience. Despite that you are not the only affiliate, you are the only YOU, so use that to your advantage. Different affiliates can attract vastly different audiences, so don’t get lulled into a false sense of boredom. 

5. Strive to Reach a Goal 

We have talked about setting and achieving goals before, but a massive part of that is allowing your personal brand to set you up for success. Each affiliate has their own personal goals when it comes to their business, so you need to evaluate your plan based on what you hope to achieve. 

You may want to become a top earner who makes more money than any affiliate before them. In which case, you would want to set aside a lot of time to speak with professionals, work with your team, and take your position in the business world very seriously. On the other hand, you may want to earn some extra income on the side, but affiliate marketing is not your main priority. In this scenario, you may not become comparatively successful, but your workload would decrease significantly. 

These are only five of the best tips that we have to offer when it comes to establishing and creating a personal brand. There are many more ways to do this, and offers the tools you need to become successful. Check out the website if you are interested in learning more about our affiliate program! 

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How to Develop Self Consistency

By Personal Development 26 Comments

It’s the same old story, you know what things you need to do to make yourself and your business better, but you can’t seem to form good habits out of them. 

Self consistency is the key to success, whether that be in your personal or professional life. Self discipline and consistency will change the way that you make decisions and live your life. Here are five tips that will help you get to where you need to be. 

1. Know yourself 

There is no fix-all solution to increasing your self consistency and discipline because everyone is so different. You know the way that your mind works better than anyone, so it is important to pick strategies that work for you. This does not mean to avoid challenging yourself, but to find healthy ways to do so. 

2. Set Priorities 

When you start with a non negotiable and set priorities to your goals, being consistent will seem far less daunting. You will also be able to use your time wisely, devoting the most time to the highest priority goal and less time to the objectives further down the list. Be sure to reevaluate your priorities as other factors shift and change. 

3. Develop a schedule that works for you 

It is vastly important that you find a way to schedule your work. There are a number of ways that you can do this, from buying a good planner, setting reminders on your phone, or anything else that works for you. Test out different methods or draw on your own knowledge of yourself to pick the most effective way of scheduling work.  

4. Hold yourself accountable

This step sounds easy, but this is where most people trip up. Don’t be mean to yourself, but make sure that you hold yourself accountable when you don’t reach a goal. You can do this by writing down your goals and progress. Breaking your larger goals into smaller, more achievable daily goals is another good way to hold yourself accountable. 

5. Have an accountability partner

Doing all of this alone can be overwhelming and it can be hard to hold yourself accountable. If you have a partner in business or a best friend who you can rely on to remind you of your goals, you can begin to develop more self consistency to avoid disappointing your partner. 

These are just a few examples of how to increase your self consistency, though there are many other things that can also help with this. Use these tips and any others that you find in your dedicated research, and you are well on your way to a life with more consistent habits.

Prioritizing Your Motivation: How Get The Most Out Of Your Business

By JIFU Success, Personal Development 18 Comments

Think back to a time when you were excited about an idea that you had. Do you remember the incredible feeling of excitement and all the ideas that ran through your mind? You could probably hardly wait to start working on making your new idea a reality.


That memorable feeling is called motivation and is one of the most important factors in success. Wired for Greatness(WFG) is an e-book written by JIFU’s co-founder Jeffery Boyle, where he details some of his secrets to success and offers valuable tips for self improvement. WFG Module 5 is about harnessing and sustaining the power of momentum and motivation. Here, we want to share some of the most important tips offered by Jeffery, though the book goes much further in depth. Download our new app (JIFU2.0) to read the full e-book and satisfy your desire to learn, grow, and succeed! 

Three Types of Momentum 

Maintaining motivation is all about how to keep your positive momentum active. The three most important types of momentum are momentum of thought, momentum of action, and momentum in a relationship.An active thought process naturally leads into action, which is often the most difficult to maintain momentum with. Momentum in a relationship is important because success often hinges professional connections. 

“Without the momentum of thought, we tend not to make goals at all. We entertain ideas instead.”-Jeffery Boyle, WFG

Active Tips 

Everyone feels stress, but managing anxiety will often help your productivity level. Another great tip is to recognize your time-wasting behavior so that you can stop procrastinating. Video games, apps, Facebook and other social media have been proven to deliver a little jolt of endorphins the more you indulge. However, the little jolt is not sustainable, nor does contribute to your personal momentum. 

Four Step Back-in-Action Guide(Download the JIFU2.0 app to learn more)

  1. Recognize the problem
  2. Take a Step Back 
  3. Reconsider 
  4. Build a Road Map

Your Body and Mind are Connected 

The connection between your physical and mental self is not groundbreaking knowledge, but acting on this knowledge is key. For example, sleep is vital to maintaining momentum and motivation. 7-9 hours of sleep is ideal, but the power of a nap is not to be underestimated. Similarly, exercise contributes massively to your ability to be productive later. If you combine exercise with learning new things, you’ll retain the information better so you can use it later”-Jeffery Boyle, WFG

These are only a few of the many pieces of advice offered by the Wired For Greatness e-book series. At JIFU, we want you to be able to reach your full potential by strengthening your body, mind, and business. Personal development is a key part of our amplified business strategies!

Don’t forget to follow JIFU on our social media platforms to stay up to date! 

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Live Your Life With Passion

By JIFU Success, JIFUlife, Personal Development No Comments

In this motivational video, JIFU SVP of Field and Leadership Development Philippe Moser offers a few life changing tips about how to live your life with passion. 

Fulfilling your purpose with passion may seem like a tall order, but Philippe breaks it down, making each goal clear and simple to understand.  There are five key points that will help you live with passion. Click below to learn how to take action now!!

By combining these tips with the megatrends mentioned by Philippe, you will be able to grow both personally and professionally. Before you can succeed, you have to know where your passion lies and capitalize on it. Don’t fail now by ignoring the opportunities the universe brings your way. From this point on, everything you do is loaded with significance. Keep your eyes open, your attitude positive, and always seek out the next best thing to do.

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Overcoming Adversity & Continuing Strength

By JIFU Success, JIFUlife, Personal Development, Uncategorized No Comments

What drives us here at JIFU? Doing fun and challenging things with amazing people, of course!

The team comes together to tackle the dangerous Brundage Mountain trail on mountain bikes. Lui, Brett, Jeffery, and Doug share their experience on the black diamond trial, and not everything goes to plan. Sometimes even our best laid plans fail, and its important to be flexible. When you fall, stand up, dust yourself off, and get back on the bike.  

 Through popped tires, gnarly falls, and jagged cliffs, the JIFU team exemplifies overcoming diversity as they make it successfully to the end.  Its important to understand that the road may not be straight and perfectly paved, but, by combining grit and resilience with a growth mindset, you will come out on the other side even better than before.  Your hardest times often lead to your most successful achievements. 

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